Migración y Salud. Inmigrantes mexicanos en Estados Unidos: 10 años de perspectiva - page 133

This disadvantage amongMexican immigrants
is reproducedacrossall agegroups, though it ishigher
among those ages 18 to 29, followed by those ages
30 to 44 (Figure 22). The implications of not having
a regular sourceof carehavedifferent levelsof severity
based on the stage of the life-cycle. Childhood and
adolescence require continuous and comprehensive
medical supervision to encourage healthy physical
and intellectual development. Though therehas been
a significant drop in the proportion of Mexican chil-
dren and adolescents without a usual source of care,
the figure for 2012-2013 remains alarming (27%)
in comparison with that of immigrant children from
other regions (10%), non-Hispanic US-born whites
(3%) andAfricanAmericans (2%).
During the later stages of life, health can dete-
riorate rapidly and chronic illnesses aremore likely to
develop. Asa result, problemsassociatedwith the lack
of continuous health care multiply. Despite the de-
creasing disparity betweenMexican adults and those
in other groups, the percentage of people without a
usual source of health care among the oldest group
remains relatively high (11%, compared with 3% for
immigrants from other regions and non-Hispanic US-
bornwhites, and2%ofAfricanAmericans).
It is generally more common for men than
women to lack a usual source of care. However,
differences between genders are more pronounced
among Mexican immigrants (almost 20 percentage
points in2012-2013), followedbyCentralAmericans.
whosegender gap is under fivepercentagepoints.
The number of bothMexicanmen and women
without a usual source of health care has decreased
during the last decade, although this drop has been
more significant amongwomen. This was reflected in
acorrespondingdecrease in thedisadvantage
women fromother populationgroups (Figure23).
Source: Migration Policy Bureau, SEGOB, based on U.S. State Health Access Data Assistance Center,
Health Interview Survey
(NHIS), 2004-2005 and 2012-2013. Integrated Health Interview Series. Minneapolis:
Figure22. PopulationofUnitedStateswithout ausual sourceof care, by region
of originandethnicityor race, basedonagegroup, 2004-2005and2012-2013
chapter i i •
access to health insurance and service use
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