Migración y Salud. Inmigrantes mexicanos en Estados Unidos: 10 años de perspectiva - page 151

Adolescents living in the United States are widely
exposed to foods with high levels of fat, salt and
sugarwhich, combinedwithphysical inactivity, increase
the prevalence of overweight and obesity. Among the
play the highest average weight in relation to average
height for females, while Central Americans have the
highestweight and lowest height formales (Figure39).
Source: EstimatesbyCONAPO, basedon the
National Health InterviewSurvey
(NHIS), 2004-2005, 2012-2013.
Figure39. Populationages12 to17 living inUnitedStates, byaverageheight
andweight, basedon regionof originandethnicityor race, 2012-2013
chapter i i i •
risk factors and health conditions
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