Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 49

Related instruments,
forums andmechanisms
The jurisprudence of the Treaties Committees also incorporates the right to health for older persons. For example, General Comment
No. 6 of theCommittee onEconomic, Social andCultural Rights, on the economic, social and cultural rights of older persons (E/1996/22)
and General Recommendation No. 27 of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, on older women and
protection of their human rights (CEDAW/C/GC/27), December 16, 2010.
There are resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly dealing with the topic, such as Resolution 46/91, “Implementation of the
international plan of action on ageing and related activities” of 16December andResolution 31/113, “Specificmeasures tomeet the need
for a decent living environment for themost vulnerable groups of society”, of 16December 1976.
Specific recommendations on the health of older persons can be found in the Vienna International Plan of Action onAgeing, adopted by
theWorld Assembly on Ageing in Vienna, 26 July 2 6 August 1982, and in the Madrid International Political Declaration and plan of
action on ageing, adopted at theSecondWorldAssembly onAgeing inMadrid, 8 to 12April 2002.
There are specific policies of theWorldHealthOrganization (Active Ageing: A Policy Framework, Geneva, 2002, “Global Strategy and
Plan of Action on PublicHealth, Innovation and Intellectual Property”,WHA61.21, 2008) and of the PanAmericanHealthOrganization
(CaribbeanCharter for Health Promotion, First CaribbeanConference onHealthPromotion, PAHO,WHO andCaribbeanCooperation in
Health, 1 to 4 June 1993, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, and Plan of Action Plan on the Health of Older Persons IncludingActive
andHealthyAgeing, 49thDirectingCouncil, 61st session of theRegional Committee,WashingtonDC, 28September to2October 2009).
At ECLAC, the topic is part of the Regional Strategy for the Implementation of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing of
2003, theBrasiliaDeclarationof 2007 and the San JoséCharter on the rights of older persons.
The goals and indicators must take into account the particular situation of indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants, supplemented with
the prioritymeasures referring to the right to health of indigenous peoples (PM 87) and ofAfro-descendants (PM 95).
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