Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 52

Related instruments,
forums andmechanisms
This measure appears as well in theMadrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, under Issue 1, Active participation in society and
development, Objective 1: Recognition of the social, cultural, economic and political contribution of older persons, with the following
recommended actions: (a) Ensure the full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by promoting the implementation of
human rights conventions and other human rights instruments, particularly in combating all forms of discrimination; (b) Acknowledge,
encourage and support the contribution of older persons to families, communities and the economy; (c) Provide opportunities,
programmes and support to encourage older persons to participate or continue to participate in cultural, economic, political, social life
and lifelong learning; (d) Provide information and access to facilitate the participation of older persons in mutual self-help,
intergenerational community groups and opportunities for realizing their full potential; (e) Create an enabling environment for
volunteering at all ages, including through public recognition, and facilitate the participation of older persons whomay have little or no
access to the benefits of engaging in volunteering; (f) Promote a wider understanding of the cultural, social and economic role and
continuing contribution of older persons to society, including that of unpaid work; (g) Older persons should be treated fairly and with
dignity, regardless of disability or other status, and should be valued independently of their economic contribution; (h) Take account of
the needs of older persons and respect the right to live in dignity at all stages of life; (i) Promote a favourable attitude among employers
regarding the productive capacity of older workers as being conducive to their continued employment and promote awareness of their
worth, including their self-awareness, in the labour market; (j) Promote civic and cultural participation as strategies to combat social
isolation and support empowerment.
Thismeasure is also linkedwith SDG 3: “ensure healthy diets and promotewell-being for all at all ages”. [target 3.4]: “By 2030 reduce
by one-third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment, and promote mental health and
The Active Ageing Index (AAI) is an analytical tool launched by the European Commission and the Economic Commission for Europe
with the objective of helping governments to develop policies for active and healthy ageing. This index could serve as an indicator of an
“active life”.
With regard to the indicator of the number and proportion of older persons below the poverty line, it is important to consider alternative
measurementmethods that capturemore than just lackof income.
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