Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 62

“Promote, protect andguarantee sexual healthand rights and reproductive rights in order to contribute to the fulfilment of persons and to social
justice ina society free from all forms of discrimination and violence.”
This broad measure seeks to create conditions to promote, protect and guarantee the exercise of sexual and reproductive rights and to
ensure full access to SRH services. These conditions have to do with the development of regulatory frameworks, the creation or
strengthening of service networks of varying complexity and quality, for all people and throughout the national territory, the development
of care models within the framework of Primary Health Care (PHC), the availability of trained human resources, the assurance of
financial resources, and the development of information systems.
This foregoing can be achieved through other priority measures of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development, in
particular those contained in this chapter, D, those specific to adolescents and young people in chapter B (PM 11, 12, 14, 15), those
relating to gender equality in chapter E (PM 59), tomigrants in chapter F (PM 72), to indigenous peoples in chapter H (PM 87) and to
Afro-descendants in chapter I (PM 95). It also relates to the prioritymeasures of chapter J (PM 99 to 108), which set the framework for
implementing the regional population and development agenda and which address the development and strengthening of information
sources formonitoring, the training of human resources and themobilizationof funding.
This prioritymeasure, and chapter D in general, also relate directly to various international instruments andmechanisms such as Follow-
Up to the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population andDevelopment and the Beijing Platform of Action and
their subsequent developments, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the United Nations
post-2015 development agenda and the sustainable development goals (SDGs), the International Convention on the Protection of the
Rights of All Migrant Workers andMembers of Their Families, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, ILOConvention
169, theDeclaration of theWorldConference on Indigenous Peoples, the Report of theWorkingGroup of Experts on People of African
Descent, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Follow-Up Mechanism to the Convention of Belém do Pará (MESECVI) on
violence againstwomen and theCommission on the Status ofWomen (CSW).
As well, this priority measure relates to other agreements contained in various consensus documents of the Regional Conference on
Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Santo Domingo Consensus, chapter C, para. 69,
Promote, protect and guarantee the
complete fulfilment of the sexual rights and reproductive rights of women of all population groups throughout the life cycle by
implementing laws, policies, rules, regulations and programmes incorporated into national and subnational budgets, insofar as physical
autonomy is a fundamental dimension of women’s empowerment and their participation in the information and knowledge society on an
equal basis
, theBrasiliaConsensus, chapter 6 (a),
To guarantee the conditions and resources for the protection and exercise of women’s
sexual and reproductive rights throughout the lifecycle and across population groups, free of all forms of discrimination, based on the
integrated approach promoted in the programme of action of the International Conference on Population and Development
, the Quito
Consensus (xxiv),
To ensure that sexual and reproductive rights which are human rights and that universal access to comprehensive
healthcare, which includes sexual and reproductive healthcare, are considered to be an essential condition for guaranteeing women’s
participation in political affairs and in paidwork and, hence, in decision-making positions for all women and, as amatter of priority, for
youngwomen, the poorest women, indigenouswomen, Afro-descendent women, rural women andwomenwithdisabilities,
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