Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 58

Article 12 of the Inter-American Convention on protecting the human rights of older persons, on the Rights of older persons receiving
long-term care, establishes that “Older persons have the right to a comprehensive system of care that protects and promotes their health,
provides social services coverage, food and nutrition security, water, clothing, and housing, and promotes the ability of older persons to
stay in their own home and maintain their independence and autonomy, should they so decide. States Parties shall design assistance
measures for families and caregivers through the introduction of services for those providing care to older persons, taking into account the
needs of all families and other forms of care, aswell as the full participation of older persons and respect for their opinions. States Parties
shall adopt measures toward developing a comprehensive care system that takes particular account of a gender perspective and respect for
the dignity, physical, andmental integrity of older persons.
On the right to a dignified deathwith proper care, andwithout any type of discrimination or violence, asmentioned in PM 31, see PM 29
andPM 23, respectively. On the compilationof statistical information on care andunpaidwork, see PM 53.
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