Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 65

“Design policies and programmes to eradicate discrimination based on sexual orientationand gender identity
in the exercise of sexual rights and themanifestations thereof.”
Possible lines of action
1. Identify discriminatory provisions and gaps in existing legislation and regulations, that foster discrimination or that impede universal
access to sexual and reproductive health services, in particular discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity as it affects
the LGBTTI population; 2. Propose and develop policies designed specifically to eradicate discrimination in the exercise of sexual rights
based on sexual orientation and gender identity; 3.Make sustained efforts to promote the cultural change needed tomodify the social and
cultural practices that reinforce and perpetuate gender inequalities based on stereotyped roles for women and men and on unequal
relationships of power that subordinate and exclude women or discriminate against them ; 4. Create reparationmechanisms in the event
of violationof human rights on the basis of sexual orientationor gender identity.
1. Increase the percentage of people knowledgeable about their sexual and reproductive rights; 2. Increase the percentage of people who
are aware of their rights to sexual and reproductive health care; 3. Reduce the percentage of people facing discrimination, aggression or
violence of different kinds, perpetrated on the basis of their sexual orientation and gender identity, in the exercise of their sexual and
reproductive rights; 4. Increase the number of institutions running policies, programmes and projects aimed at sexual and reproductive
health care, with an approach geared towards the protection of sexual and reproductive rights.
Tentative indicators
1. Percentage of people who are knowledgeable about legislation and regulations on sexual and reproductive health rights and care;
2. Percentage of people reporting discrimination, based on their sexual orientation, in the exercise of their sexual and reproductive rights;
3. Number (and percentage) of reported cases of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity that are resolved through
formal redressmechanisms; 4. Number of public institutions running policies, programmes and projects aimed at sexual and reproductive
health care, with an approach geared towards the protection of sexual and reproductive rights; 5. Proportion of discriminatory laws that
have been changed or reformed in areas such as health, education, employment, safety and social protection; 6. Making gender identity
and sexual orientation visible in data collection instruments, adopted a human-rights-based approach; 7. Number of programmes and
campaigns specifically targeted at eliminating stereotypes and discrimination on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation;
8. Creation ofmechanisms of reparation for violation of human rights on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
Related instruments,
forums andmechanisms
1. Brasilia Consensus, 2010, 3.i:
Create mechanisms to support the political participation of young women in decision-making, free of
discrimination based on race, ethnicity or sexual orientation, and to ensure that their forms of organization and expression are respected
and not subjected to generational stigmatization;
Formulate policies aimed at eliminating sexist and discriminatory contents in the
media and train communications professionals correspondingly, valuing the dimensions of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and
; 2. Santo Domingo Consensus, 2013, 80 (see previous measure), 86:
Develop mechanisms, including legislation, and
sanctions to combat the use of information and communications technologies and social networks to perpetrate violent acts against
women and girls, in particular the criminal misuse of such technologies for sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, child pornography
and trafficking in women and girls, and new forms of violence, such as cyberbullying and intimidation and privacy violations that
compromise the safety of women, girls, adolescent girls, youngwomen, older women, indigenous women, Afro-descendent women, rural
women, LGBTTI persons and women with disabilities
; 98:
Elicit a commitment, through the creation of strategic networks, from the
media andmedia professionals’ associations, toproject a positive image of women, banishing the stereotypes and the violent content that
perpetuate discrimination and violence against women, girls, adolescent girls, young women, older women, indigenous women,
Afro-descendent women, rural women, LGBTTI persons and women with disabilities
; 3. As intergovernmental measures and agreements
concerning sexual rights are more recent, there is no specific mechanism for such follow-up, and it would be desirable for the Second
RCPD to consider adopting an appropriatemechanism, in cooperationwith theRegional Conference onWomen.
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