Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 67

“Guarantee universal access to good-quality sexual health and reproductive health services, bearing inmind the specific needs ofmen andwomen, adolescents
and young people, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons, older persons and personswithdisabilities, with special attention to vulnerable persons,
persons living in rural and remote areas and to the promotionof citizenparticipation in the follow-up to commitments.”
Possible lines of action
1. Create normative frameworks that guarantee sexual and reproductive health care, recognizing cultural diversity, sexual diversity, the
lifecycle and the specific needs of older persons according to their health or disability, persons who aremigrants, displaced or otherwise
vulnerable, or persons living in rural or remote areas. These frameworks may include policies, protocols, and care manuals, etc.;
2. Establish the necessarymechanisms for enforcing legislation or for implementing other mandatorymeasures; 3. Ensure the allocation
and ring-fencing of the funds necessary for the functioning of sexual and reproductive health programmes and services targeted at all
persons, in light of their specific needs; 4. Reinforce the available human resources throughout the national territory for providing high-
quality SRH services; 5. Facilitate community-based participation in monitoring commitments, with emphasis on promoting women’s
participation; 6. Provide universal sexual and reproductive health services consistent with cultural diversity, sexual diversity, the lifecycle
and disability status, and services networks with clear mechanisms for referral and counter-referral, including less densely populated
areas; 7. Incorporate sexual and reproductive health into primary healthcare strategies to ensure the intersectoral approach needed in this
area of health; 8. Ensure the availability of inputs and medicines necessary for providing SRH services in emergency situations;
9. Strengthen information systems for timely decision-making; 10. Include HIV prevention measures in sexual and reproductive health
services,makinguse of opportunities arising in the context of guidance and care relating to intrafamily violence.
1. The entire population understands the basic normative elements guaranteeing universal access to sexual and reproductive health
services; 2. All service providers are familiar with legislation or standards guaranteeing universal access to sexual and reproductive
health services; 3. The entire population has access to timely, high-quality sexual and reproductive health services consistent with their
conditions, needs and requirements; 4. Health insurance covers free access to sexual and reproductive health inputs and care.
Tentative indicators
1. There is an network of services in place that guarantees sexual and reproductive health care consistent with cultural diversity, sexual
diversity, the lifecycle and specific conditions of health or disability, or persons living in remote areas in emergency situations;
2. Number of public policies that ensure access to sexual and reproductive health services which are suitable in terms of cultural
diversity, the life cycle, specific health conditions or disabilities, or residence in remote areas in situations of emergency; 3. Percentage of
service providers who are familiar with the legislation guaranteeing universal access to sexual and reproductive health services andwho
have been trained to offer good-quality care; 4. Percentage of people with access to timely, good-quality sexual and reproductive health
services consistent with their specific conditions, in particular their age and sex, aswell as other characteristics such as sexual orientation,
disability status, locationwithin the territory and ethnicity; 5. Percentage of health professionals who are trained to provide good-quality
sexual and reproductive health care; 6. Percentage of primary health care points offering comprehensive sexual and reproductive health
services and inputs to save lives, according to the priorities listed by the WHO; 7. Existence of national standards and guidelines
established to ensure that providers guarantee access to the sexual and reproductive health services provided under the law.
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