Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 61

This chapter contains 14 priority measures: (a) on universal access to sexual and reproductive
health (SRH), PM 33 calls for promoting, protecting and guaranteeing sexual health and rights and
reproductive rights, PM 37 deals with guaranteeing universal access to quality SRH services, PM 38with
detection and treatment of HIV/AIDS, PM 41 with promoting sexual and reproductive health for men,
PM 44with guaranteeing broad access to contraceptivemethods, and PM 46with guaranteeing sufficient
financial, human and technological resources; (b) on maternal health, PM 39 focuses on detecting
HIV/AIDS in pregnant women and preventing vertical transmission, PM 40 deals with eliminating the
preventable causes ofmaternalmorbidity andmortality, PM 42with ensuring (consistent with legislation)
services for safe abortion and comprehensive post-abortion care, PM 43 with ensuring comprehensive
care during the reproductive process, including assisted fertility treatments, and PM 45 with raising the
quality of prenatal care and ensuring compassionate care at childbirth; (c) on legislation, PM 34 calls for
promoting policies to enable persons to exercise their sexual rights, PM 35 deals with reviewing
legislation to guarantee access to services and information for SRH services, and PM 36with eradicating
discrimination based on sexual orientation andgender identity.
This chapter relates primarily to chapter B on the rights, needs, responsibilities and requirements
of girls, boys, adolescents and youth (PMs 11, 12, 14, 15; in fact, actions concerning safe abortion,
including for adolescents, are certainly considered here in chapter D), chapter F on migrants (PM 72),
chapter G on gender equality, chapter H on indigenous peoples (PM 87), chapter I on Afro-descendants
(PM 95), and chapter J on frameworks for the implementation of the regional agenda on population and
development, in particular follow-up and accountability (PM 101 to 104 and 108), and consequently the
lines of action, goals and indicators need to be harmonized. As well, the chapter relates to other
instruments adopted by the international community, which are cited in PM 33 and covered more
specifically in the corresponding prioritymeasures.
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