Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 69

“Promote the prevention and timely detection of and guarantee universal access to comprehensive treatment forHIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections and
eliminate the stigma and discrimination towhichpersons livingwith the virus are often subjected.”
Possible lines of action
1. In the normative frameworks on sexual and reproductive health care, maintain the specific features relating toHIV/AIDS andSTI and consider
measures to promote the prevention and timely detection of HIV/AIDS and STI, and access to treatment; 2. Ensure training for all health
personnel in the new evidence on HIV and AIDS and on legislation and regulations in this area; 3. Ensure that regulations on sexual and
reproductive health services includemeasures to eliminate the stigma and discrimination towhich persons livingwith or vulnerable to the virus
are often subjected; 4. Promote the cultural change needed to eliminate the stigma and discrimination towhich persons livingwith or vulnerable
to the virus are often subjected; 5. Develop intersectoral plans with specific coordination for the prevention of HIV/AIDS; 6. Promote screening
of women of reproductive age; 7. Earmark the necessary resources for the functioning of SRH programmes and services aimed at the prevention,
timely detection and treatment of HIV/AIDS and STI; 8. Provide effective and non-discriminatorymechanisms for referral and counter-referral
betweenHIV services andother health services at all levels of care.
1. End the epidemic of AIDS by 2030 (on the basis of SDG target 3.3); 2. By 2030, all persons infected by HIV have access to antiretroviral
therapy; 3. Eliminate practices and rules that stigmatize or discriminate against persons living with or vulnerable to HIV, in health care and
especially in health services.
Tentative indicators
1. Indicator for monitoring eradication of the epidemic: (i) Percentage of persons living withHIV; (ii) Percentage of persons withHIVwho are
receiving treatment; (iii) Percentage of persons undergoingHIV treatment who succeed in suppressing the viral load; 2. Proportion of rules that
have been reformulated or invoked to ensure the right of personswithHIV to employment, social security and education; 3. Percentage of female
HIV/AIDS victims; 4. SDG indicators disaggregated by sex, age and means of transmission: (i) Annual incidence of HIV (number of new
infections per 1,000 inhabitants), disaggregated by sex and age; (ii)Annual deaths fromHIV/AIDS, disaggregated by sex and age.
Related instruments,
forums andmechanisms
1. SDG3: “Ensurehealthy lives andpromotewell-being for all at all ages”; target 3.3. “By2030, end the epidemics ofAIDS ... andother communicable
diseases”; 2. SantoDomingoConsensus, C72: “Ensure that the financial resources forHIV/AIDSprevention are allocated to specificmeasures grounded
in scientific evidence that reflects the particular characteristics of the epidemic in each country, with special attention to geographical location, social
networks and populations that are vulnerable to HIV infection, with a view to ensuring that those resources are employed as effectively as possible.”
C73: “Ensure comprehensive care for persons affected by HIV/AIDS, in particular women, girls, adolescents, young persons, orphans and vulnerable
children, migrants and people in humanitarian emergencies, detainedwomen, indigenous populations, Afro-descendants andwomenwith disabilities;”
3.BrasiliaConsensus, 6e: “Ensure also universal access bywomen in their diversity to comprehensive, high-quality sexual and reproductive health care,
including care for human immuno-deficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), its prevention, diagnosis and free treatment, and
especially, tocarryout campaigns topromote theuseof themaleand femalecondoms;”4.QuitoConsensus (xxv): “Implementmeasures andpolicies that
take into account the linkages between social and economic vulnerabilities as they relate towomen’s possibilities of participating in politics and in paid
work, especially in terms of access to sexual and reproductive healthcare, water and sanitation, and HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care, with
prioritybeingplacedon thepoorestwomenand their families”.
1. Disaggregation by sex and age. UNAIDS recommends that wherever possible data should be disaggregated by key population groups: sex
workers, sexual orientation includingmenwho have sexwithmen, and peoplewho inject drugs, and that all HIV indicators should bemeasured
for the entire population, as some of the greatest gaps have to do with the treatment of children; 2. To eradicate the HIV epidemic, UNAIDS
proposes the “90-90-90” objective, according towhich, by the year 2020, 90% of people livingwithHIVwill know theirHIV status (and 95% by
2030); by 2020, 90% of all people with diagnosedHIV infectionwill receive sustained antiretroviral therapy (and 95% for 2030); and by 2020,
90% of all people receiving antiretroviral therapywill have anundetectable viral load,meaning that their immune system remains strong and they
are no longer infected (and 95% by 2030); 3. This measure is broadened in PM 39 on the vertical transmission of HIV and is complemented by
PM 12onSRH for adolescents andyoungpeople andPM37on access to comprehensive SRH services.
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