Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 76

“Formulate plans for strengtheningmechanisms for detectingproblems during pregnancy, including at the preconception stage, improve the quality of antenatal care
to include an intercultural perspective, guarantee the provision of a safe supply of blood for care during pregnancy, childbirthand the post-partumand puerperium
period, and enhance compassionate care duringdelivery andbirth and comprehensive perinatal care, bearing inmind the needs of women, boys, girls and families.”
Possible lines of action
1. Institute information and counselling programmes on preconception consultation to create conditions that will encourage women to
prepare for a wanted pregnancy; 2. Establish the mechanisms to ensure that women in all parts of the country have access to Essential
Obstetric andNewbornCare (EONC) to detect and treat risks before they become serious threats to the health or life of themother or baby,
and to have access to suitable treatment in case of obstetrical complications; 3. Identify the cultural barriers between health services and
users, anddefine and implement the changes needed toprovidegoodquality care that respects and is sensitive to theneeds of allwomen.
1. To increase culturally appropriate preconception consultation in the context of desired pregnancies; 2. All primary healthcare centres
have implemented updated and culturally appropriate EONC protocols; 3. Increased percentage of women receiving prenatal care,
compassionate care at childbirth, and comprehensive perinatal care consistentwith their cultural preference.
Tentative indicators
1. Percentage of pregnancies that involved preconception consultation; 2. Percentage of institutionalized childbirths inwhich themother had
the option to select care appropriate to her culture; 3. Percentage of live births that were preceded by four or more prenatal check-ups;
4. Percentageof pregnancies forwhichpost-partum care is provided.
Related instruments,
forums andmechanisms
SDG 3, “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages;” target 3.1: “By 2030 reduce the global maternal mortality rate
to less than70 per 100,000 live births”; 3.2: “By 2030, endpreventable deaths of newborns and under-five children”.
The goal of ensuring that “All primary healthcare centres have implemented updated and culturally appropriate EONC protocols” is
proposed inPM 43. Thismeasure is complementary toPM 87 andPM 95 on the right to health, including sexual and reproductive health,
of indigenous peoples andAfro-descendants, respectively.
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