Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 85

“Adopt legislativemeasures and institutional reforms to prevent, punish and eradicate political and administrative harassment of womenwho reach
decision-makingpositions through electoral means or by appointment at national and local levels, aswell as inpolitical parties andmovements.”
Possible lines of action
1. Develop and disseminate the frameworks for the prevention of political and administrative harassment; 2. Adopt measures to punish
political and administrativeharassment; 3.Mount campaigns for cultural change inorder to eradicatepolitical and administrativeharassment.
1. Recognition of political and administrative harassment as an offence; 2. Eradicate political and administrative harassment of women
who reach decision-making positions.
Tentative indicators
1. Number of complaints filed for political and administrative harassment ofwomenwho reach decision-making positions; 2. Legislation
and rules to sanction and punishpolitical harassment ofwomen.
Related instruments,
forums andmechanisms
Santo Domingo Consensus. In general, chapter E, “Gender equality and the empowerment of women for political participation in decision-
making”, andmore specifically agreement 105, “
Enact and implement legislation to prevent, punish and eradicate political and administrative
violenceagainst orharassment ofwomenwho reachdecision-makingpositionsof all levels, viaelectoralmeansorbyappointment
Conventionon theElimination ofAll Forms ofViolence againstWomen andSDGs, see PM 48.
Together with PMs 48 and 51, PM 52 constitutes a group of prioritymeasures intended to achieve equal participation for women in the
formulation and implementationof public policies and inhigh-level decision-making.
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