Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 83

“Fulfil the commitment to promote and ensure gendermainstreaming and its intersectionwith perspectives on race, ethnicity, age, social class anddisability status
in all public policies, especially in economic and cultural policies, and coordination betweenbranches of government and social stakeholders,
includingorganizations of young, Afro-descendent or indigenouswomen, to ensure gender equality.”
This prioritymeasure is fairly broad: it involves incorporating the gender perspective into all public policies in order to guarantee gender
equality, on one hand, and on the other hand it calls for coordination among the branches of government and among stakeholders
(government and civil society). In the latter case in particular, social disadvantages are considered to be relational, and it is therefore
necessary to relate genderwith social class, race, age, region, ethnic origin, physical capacity, sexuality, and all those relations that reveal
the differences among women or among groups. Specifically, some elements appear again in PM 47 (focused on strengthening
institutional mechanisms for constructing policies that will guarantee women’s autonomy and gender equality), PM 49 (focused on
promoting gender-sensitive budgets to achieve equal access to public sector spending), and PM 62 (focused on statistics systems and the
need for information disaggregatedby sex andother demographic and socioeconomic characteristics).
The link between this measure and the Santo Domingo Consensus is particularly close with respect to agreement 112, “
Ensure gender
mainstreaming and a focus on rights in all plans, programmes, projects and public policies, as well as the necessary coordination
between State powers and social stakeholders to achieve gender equality, thus enshrining this concept as a pillar of sustainable
”, and agreement 34, “
Strengthen the mainstreaming of gender across all areas of public policy in connection with
information and communications technologies, ensuring full access to these technologies and their use bywomen, girls, adolescent girls,
young women, older women, indigenous and Afro-descendent women, rural women, LGBTTI persons and women with disabilities on an
equal and equitable basis for the social appropriation of knowledge, bearing in mind the associated regulations, costs and coverage
issues andwith respect for cultural and linguistic diversity
.” Themost direct link to the SDGs iswith target 5.c , which calls on States to
“adopt and strengthen sound policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of all
women and girls at all levels.”
The inclusion of the gender perspective and its intersectionwith ethnic and racial groups is addressed in chapter H on indigenous peoples
and in chapter I onAfro-descendent persons.
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