Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 80

“Fulfil the commitment to strengthen institutional machineries in order tobuilddevelopment policieswith equality that will guarantee the autonomy of women
and gender equality, andgive thesemachineries the autonomy and the necessary human and financial resources to enable them tohave a cross-cutting
impact on the structure of the State, recognizing the strategic role that they play and establishing them at the highest level.”
Possible lines of action
1. Promote and implement legislative measures that will strengthen the institutions advocating policies for gender equality, such as
mechanisms for the advancement of women at the highest hierarchical level, and guarantee for them nontransferable and irreducible
budgets aswell as human resources and autonomy; 2. Publicize the regional agreements on gender equality to contribute to their effective
implementation; 3. Through training, interchange and dissemination, strengthen the substantive participation of the various gender-
related bodies and mechanisms in the regional conferences of the subsidiary bodies of ECLAC; 4. Through training, interchange and
dissemination, strengthen national and regional mechanisms for monitoring the advancement of women, including gender observatories;
5. Encouragemunicipal and local governments to create gender affairs offices or units for the advancement of women, and provide them
with specializedhuman, technical and financial resources.
1. Institutions advocating public policies for gender equality have a guaranteed budget andmeans to assure implementation in the various
sectors of themeasures contained in those policies; 2.Mechanisms for the advancement of women enjoy the highest hierarchical ranking
within the government structure; 3. Municipal and local governments have gender equality offices or units for the advancement of
women; 4. The gender approach ismainstreamed in the various sectors and policies.
Tentative indicators
1. Percentage of institutions advocating public policies for gender equality that have a guaranteed budget; 2. Percentage of institutions in
various sectors that are implementing gender equality policies under national plans; 3. Percentage of municipal and local governments that
havegender equalityoffices or units for the advancement ofwomen; 4.Hierarchical level ofmechanisms for the advancement ofwomen.
Related instruments,
forums andmechanisms
SantoDomingoConsensus. In general, chapter F. (“Gender Equality andMechanisms forWomen’s Empowerment”), andmore specifically
agreement 111, “
Strengthen institutions advocating public policies on gender equality, such as gendermachineries and offices for women’s
empowerment, bymeans of legislation and guaranteed, non-transferrable and irreducible budgets and by setting up decision-making bodies
at the highest level, andbuildup their capacity toprovide policy guidance ongender equality andwomen’s empowerment by endowing them
with the necessary human and financial resources for a cross-cutting impact on public policies and the structure of the Statewith a view to
devising and implementing de jure and de facto strategies for promotingwomen’s autonomy and gender equality
”; agreement 112, “
gender mainstreaming and a focus on rights in all plans, programmes, projects and public policies, as well as the necessary coordination
between State powers and social stakeholders to achieve gender equality, thus enshrining this concept as a pillar of sustainable
”; and agreement 118, “
Promote the establishment, at themunicipal and local level, of entities suchas gender affairs bureaux or
offices for the advancement of women, endowing themwith sufficient human and financial resources and the specialist expertise to empower
women, provide comprehensive careandprevent violenceat the local level
PM 47 is closely related toPM 49, as stronger institutions are essential for promoting and implementing gender-sensitive budgets.
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