Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 87

“Promote legislation anddesignand strengthenpublic policies on equality in the labourmarket inorder to eliminate gender discrimination andasymmetries
in relation to access to decent employment, job security, wages and decision-making on labour issues, aswell as to recognize the productive value
of unpaiddomesticwork and carework.”
Possible lines of action
1. Establish the conditions to increase women’s participation in the labour force; 2. Combat the conditions of insecurity and informality
that affect the femaleworkforce primarily, and reducewomen’s presence in low-productivity sectors; 3. Develop and implement policies
to ensure equal pay forwork of equal value; 4. Encouragemen toparticipate in domestic chores and carework.
1.Toeliminate thewagegapbetweenmenandwomen; 2.Equal participationofmenandwomen inproductiveand reproductiveactivities.
Tentative indicators
1. Persons without their own incomes, by sex; 2. Pay by type of activity or employment, by sex; 3. Unemployment rate by sex;
4. Existence of policies geared towards equal pay for equal work, regardless of sex, age, originor other characteristics.
Related instruments,
forums andmechanisms
Conventionon theEliminationofAll Forms ofViolence againstWomen (article11) calls uponStates parties to take all appropriatemeasures
to eliminatediscrimination againstwomen in the fieldof employment, inorder to ensure, on abasis of equalityofmen andwomen, inter alia,
the right to the same employment opportunities, including the application of the same criteria for selection inmatters of employment
” and
the right to equal remuneration, includingbenefits, and to equal treatment in respect ofwork of equal value, aswell as equalityof treatment
in the evaluationof thequalityofwork
SantoDomingo Consensus, agreement 62: “
Develop and implement active labour-market and productive employment policies to ensure
decent work for all women, combating the precarious and informal conditions that affect mainly the female workforce and guaranteeing
equal pay for work of equal value, an egalitarian participation rate, appointment without discrimination to positions of power and
decision-making and the elimination of occupational segregation, with particular attention to rural women, Afro-descendent women,
indigenouswomen, womenwithdisabilities and youngwomen
Brasilia Consensus, agreement 1.f:
“[D]evelop active labour market and productive employment policies to boost the female labour-
market participation rate, the formalization of employment and women’s occupation of positions of power and decision-making, as well
as to reduce unemployment rates, especially for Afro-descendent, indigenous and youngwomenwho suffer discrimination based on race,
sex and sexual orientation, in order to ensure decent work for all women andguarantee equal pay for equal work.
QuitoConsensus, agreement xxii:
“[E]liminate the income gap betweenwomen andmen andwage discrimination in all areas of work, and
topropose that legislativeand institutionalmechanisms that give rise todiscriminationandprecariousworking conditions beabrogated.
SDG target 8.5: “
By 2030 achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women andmen, including for young people
and personswith disabilities, and equal pay forwork of equal value
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