Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 96

“Ensure the sharing of responsibility between the State, the private sector, the community, families, women andmen for unpaiddomestic and carework,
incorporating care into social protection systems through allowances, services andbenefits thatmaximizewomen’s autonomy andguarantee
their rights, dignity, well-being and enjoyment of free time.”
Follow-up toPM61 canbehandled throughPM53, some aspects ofwhich include shared responsibility incareprovision. Similarly, integrating
care into social protection systems throughallowances, servicesandbenefits isoneof thegoalsproposedunderPM53.
PM 61 can also be linked with agreement 58 of the Santo Domingo Consensus,
“Achieve the consolidation of public protection and social
security systemswithuniversal, comprehensive and efficient access and coverage bymeans of solidary, standard, participatory financing, based
on the principle of solidarity and linked toabroad spectrumof public policies that guaranteewell-being, quality of life andadecent retirement
and enhance the full exercise of citizenshipbywomen, including thosewho have devoted their lives toproductive aswell as reproductivework,
bothpaidandunpaid, femaledomesticworkers, ruralwomen, female informal andcontractworkersand, aboveall,womendirectlyor indirectly
affectedby illness, disability, unemployment, underemployment orwidowhoodat any stage in their lifecycle”.
“Improve statistical systems, official indicators and administrative records, mainstreaming the gender perspective and advancing towards
the full recognition of women’s economic and social contribution to the development of society.”
Possible lines of action
1. Ensure disaggregation by sex in the collection and production of information in statistics systems and administrative records so as to
incorporate the gender focus in different analyses; 2. Incorporate disaggregation by race, ethnic origin, socioeconomic level, place of
residence, etc., into gender analysis to ensure that the decisions taken are relevant to different groups of women; 3. Develop and adopt
official indicators with a gender perspective for monitoring progress toward gender equality; 4. Maintain an ongoing process of training
in the preparation and use of analyses based ongender indicators.
1. All pertinent statistics systems and administrative records have gender-disaggregated information relating to other variables in issues
of priority for gender equality policies; 2. Official indicators are available for monitoring progress toward gender equality; 3. The
statistical information produced by government offices is broadly disseminated and used to promote and implement public policies on
gender equality.
Tentative indicators
1. Percentage of statistics systems and administrative records that have gender-disaggregated information for other variables;
2. Percentage of official systems of indicators that incorporate the gender perspective by sector.
Related instruments,
forums andmechanisms
SantoDomingoConsensus, agreement 114:
Strengthen, bymeans of training, exchanges of experiences and awareness-raising, regional
and national instruments to monitor women’s empowerment, particularly gender observatories, ensuring that the information and data
supplied are compiled using a common methodology for the purposes of comparison and analysis of the different variables at the
regional level, thus ensuring that the results obtained serve as basic input material for public policies on equality in the region
agreement 117:
Strengthen the effective implementation of systems for the production of statistical information for designing policieswith
a gender focus, affording particular attention to methods for collecting, classifying and processing sex-disaggregated national and
regional data, including gender indicators in all areas, on the basis of a common methodology implemented by all the countries of the
region, witha view topromotingwomen’s empowerment anddecision-making
SDG 17.18: “By 2020, enhance capacity building support to developing countries, including for LDCs andSIDS, to increase significantly
the availability of high-quality, timely and reliable data disaggregated by income, gender, age, race, ethnicity, migratory status, disability,
geographic location andother characteristics relevant in national contexts.”
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