Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 106

“Achieve concrete results through dialogue and international cooperation relating tomigration, human rights and development in regional forums
aswell as in forums linked toother regions of theworld, inparticularNorthAmerica and theEuropeanUnion, with a view to reducing
existingasymmetries in this areaand asserting the interests of LatinAmerican andCaribbean countries.”
Possible lines of action
1. Ensure that dialogue and cooperation on migration are based on the principles of migration governance; 2. Promote dialogue and
exchange of experiences between forums for regional consultations worldwide, with a view to contributing to thewell-being of migrants
and the global governance of international migration; 3. Coordinate measures among intergovernmental bodies onmigration in terms of
their relationship with countries of North America and the European Union; 4. Implement appropriately the principles of shared
responsibility in all intergovernmental bodies, based on the pertinent identification of those responsibilities; 5. Promote free circulation
within regional integration schemes.
1. Ensure periodic assessments of regional, subregional, extra-regional and bilateral agreements for the protection of migrants; 2. Establish
mechanisms for consulting civil society and involving it in the institutional structure for migration; 3. Have in place common principles and
guidelines for addressing theproblems that affectmigrants.
Tentative indicators
1. Percentage of Montevideo Consensus measures covered in migration agreements; 2. Compliance rate with the measures enshrined in
migration agreements.
Related instruments,
forums andmechanisms
Thismeasurehasantecedents in theactionplansandcommitmentsof theRegionalConferenceonMigrationand theSouthAmericanConference
onMigration. CELAC, in particular, and other initiatives such asMERCOSUR and CAN can incorporate and reinforce the indicated lines of
action, as they have their own related initiatives. The mandates of the United Nations agencies and the IOMmust also be considered. The
Resolution from theSecondHigh-LevelDialogueof2013 ispart of abroad frameworkof follow-up fordialogueandcooperation.
SDG target 10.7 should be taken into account: “Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people,
including through implementation of planned andwell-managedmigration policies.”
This priority measure is related to PMs 70 and 73. Migration governance involves developing a government’s capacity to implement,
monitor and evaluate policies in coordinationwith social stakeholders in civil society, in itsmanagement ofmigration.
The targets and indicatorsmust relate to the particular situation of indigenous peoples, particularly thosewhose ancestral territorieswere
split upduring the establishment of nationStates, considering the comments under PM 88 on the territorial rights of indigenous peoples.
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