Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 108

“Give priority, in each country, to strengthening coordination channels between sectors and between countries, to reinforcing intergovernmental cooperation
mechanisms in order to guarantee the exercise of the human rights of all migrants, regardless of theirmigration status, from agender-based perspective.”
Possible lines of action
1.Adopt andapply specificnational legislationon the rightsofmigrants, incorporatingagenderperspective; 2.Createmechanisms for cross-sector
coordinationand follow-up topoliciesandprogrammes that affectmigrants (ministriesofhealth, labour, education, social development, etc.).
Have in place legislation, institutions and policies devoted explicitly to protecting the human rights of all migrants, regardless of the
migratory status, with explicit gender considerations.
Tentative indicators
Number of countries that have gender-focused initiatives in theirmeasures under theMontevideoConsensus.
Related instruments,
forums andmechanisms
Like PM 72, this measure is associatedwith all the other measures and their mechanisms. What distinguishes PM 73 is its emphasis on a
gender perspective, which seeks to address the vulnerabilities ofmigrant women. Thismeasure is thus related to SDG 8.8, “Protect labour
rights and promote safe and secure working environment for all workers, including migrant workers, particularly women migrants, and
those inprecarious employment.”
Thismeasure is closely relatedwithPMs 67, 71 and 72, withwhich it shares subjectmatter, and can be viewed as cutting across all sectors.
“Strengthen cooperation between countries of origin, transit anddestination toaddress the causes and challenges of irregularmigration, so as togenerate safe,
orderly, humanemigration conditions through bilateral arrangements for labour forcemobility and ensure protection of the human rights of migrants.”
Thismeasure is covered by all the lines of action, targets andmechanisms suggested in the previous prioritymeasures of this chapter, and
it therefore intersectswith all themeasures. It involves the deployment of resources and commonmethodologies for estimating the number
of irregularmigrants. In the case of emigration to countries outside the region, estimates can be obtained from the countries of destination.
This measure is targeted at irregular migration and stresses bilateral arrangements, but these can clearly be expended in scale, and
consequently one of its purposes is to ensure respect for the rights of migrants, regardless of theirmigration status, through cooperation in
dealingwith irregularmigration.
“Ensure that the SecondHigh-level Dialogue on InternationalMigration andDevelopment, to be held inNewYork on 3and 4October 2013, leads to the adoption
of a consensual outcome document and, in that regard, to submit for consideration the questionof whether it wouldbe appropriate to propose
the contents andguidelines of an international convention onmigration.”
This measure must be interpreted as follow-up to the agreements adopted in the resolution from the Second High-Level Dialogue on
International Migration and Development. It is covered by all the previous measures. The resolution is broad in scope and contains
34 points, the last of which calls for annual evaluation of its follow-up (A/68/L.5, 2013, 68th session, agenda item 21(e), Globalization
and Interdependence: InternationalMigration andDevelopment).
It is anticipated that one or two new global dialogueswill have been held by 2020 to reinforce the guidelines from the SecondDialogue of
2013. All countries are expected to provide follow-up to the agreements from the Second Dialogue by fulfilling the measures in this
chapter. All countrieswill renew their commitments in new global initiatives.
The South American Conference on Migration, in its substantive agreements, has proposed the preparation of a South American
convention onmigration.
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