Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 113

“Expand and improve the processes of decentralization, deconcentration andparticipatory planning at the subnational and local levels, with emphasis
on availability, accessibility and the quality of basic services, education andhealth, including sexual health and reproductive health
and the prevention of violence against girls, adolescents andwomen.”
Possible lines of action
1. Adopt specific national legislation on effective decentralization and local autonomy; 2. Design and promote the use of instruments for
citizenparticipation inplanning, decision-making andmonitoringof decentralizedpublic policies.
1. Have in place laws and regulations that allow for decentralization and structural and budgetary autonomy at the local level; 2. Make
participation a pillar of all planning instruments; 3. Ensure coverage of good-quality basic services in education, health, sexual and
reproductive health, and prevention of violence against girls, adolescents, persons with disabilities, older persons, indigenous peoples,
Afro-descendants andwomen in all territories.
Tentative indicators
1. Average per capita annual income of subnational and local governments allocated to the provision of good-quality basic services in
education, health, sexual and reproductive health, and prevention of violence against girls, adolescents, persons with disabilities, older
persons, indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants and women in all territories; 2. Percentage of planning instruments that include
participation in decision-making and monitoring at the subnational level; 3. Proportion of government bodies that have permanent
mechanisms for effective participationby civil society, by sector (health, education) andmajor andminor administrative area.
Related instruments,
forums andmechanisms
The United Nations HABITAT agenda has a goal that relates directly to this priority measure, namely “Promote decentralization and
strengthen local authorities”. Checklist 7: Decentralization. Level of decentralization process and Key indicator 20:
Local government
revenue. Total local government revenue fromall sources inUSdollars annually, both capital and recurrent, for all local governments in the
metropolitanarea, averagedover the last three years (2000, 2001, 2003), dividedby thepopulation
. SDGs 3, 11 and13.
The targets proposed under this measure relate primarily to decentralization and participation, as the issue of sexual and reproductive
health and that of violence are developed in the prioritymeasures under chapterD and in chapter E, as summarized inPMs 56, 57 and 58.
Specific indicators relating to the prioritymeasures proposed in those chapter, and the indicators proposed in the present chapter, should
be disaggregated by subnational level, urban or rural area and, where possible, minor administrative division. The issue of access to basic
services was developed in PMs 77 of this chapter. This measure is closely related to PM 84, as the availability and use of disaggregated
and geo-referenced socio-demographic information is essential for giving effect to decentralization, local planning and participatory
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