Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 123

“Consider the special demographic dynamic of indigenous peoples in public policy design, with special emphasis on indigenous peoples threatened
with extinction, thosewho have no contact with the outsideworld, those living in voluntary isolation or that are in aphase of initial contact,
and respect their right to self-determination.”
Possible lines of action
1. Generate up-to-date knowledge on indigenous demographic dynamics, addressing the diversity of peoples and their territorial
heterogeneity; 2. Incorporate the demographic situation of indigenous peoples into the design of policies in a crosscutting manner;
3. Prioritize the allocation of resources, considering indigenous demographic dynamics; 4. Strengthen the institutionswith responsibilities
for indigenous peoples in order to assist the integration of population matters into policies; 5. Identify situations of demographic and
socio-environmental fragility among indigenous peoples; 6. Design and apply policies to avoid the extinction of indigenous peoples;
7. Implement the United Nations guidelines for the protection of indigenous peoples living in voluntary isolation and in initial contact;
8. Strengthen national capacities (of State agencies and of indigenous peoples alike) in population analysis and the interrelations with
development; 9. Include population considerations in efforts to strengthen indigenous autonomy; 10. Ensure effective and full
participation by indigenous peoples in all the actions to be taken, including the participationof indigenouswomen andyouth.
1. Policies take explicit account of up-to-date knowledge of indigenous population dynamics, including situations of demographic and
socio-environmental vulnerability; 2. All situations of peoples threatenedwith extinction have been reversed; 3. The rights of indigenous
peoples living in voluntary isolation and in initial contact are duly protected; 4. Indigenous peoples’ affairs are explicitly integrated into
policies, with full participation by those peoples and in accordancewith the standards of international law.
Tentative indicators
1. Percentage of the public budget targeted at indigenous peoples, by sector; 2. Number of indigenous peoples or communities at risk of
extinction; 3. Existence of policies to integrate considerations relating to indigenous peoples into development plans, in accordance with
legal standards concerning indigenous peoples; 4. Existence of policies that consider the situation of indigenous peoples living in
voluntary isolation or in a phase of initial contact; 5. Existence of procedures of prior consultation with indigenous peoples and
established forums for dialogue that include populationquestions, in accordancewith international standards.
Related instruments,
forums andmechanisms
It is important to establish coordination with the specific follow-upmechanisms for implementation of the rights of indigenous peoples
(see PM 85).
This measure requires that the actions undertaken be articulated with those established under PM 4 on the integration of population
dynamics into policies and programmes. The rationale for the first indicator is that if governments do not allocate sufficient budgetary
resources to indigenousmatters by sector, it will be difficult to integrate populationdynamics into policies.With respect topeoples at risk
of extinction, the idea is to identify those peoples or subgroups thereof that face extreme threats to their physical and cultural survival,
from either internal or external factors that reduce their demographics.
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