Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 128

This prioritymeasure is complementary to PM 17 on the disaggregation of data for adolescents and young people, and to PM 84 on the
use of geo-referenced information. Indicators should also be disaggregated by sex. TheUNPFII recommendations on data disaggregation,
the recommendations of the Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre (CELADE)-Population Division of ECLAC, and the
recommendations of theUnitedNations human rightsmechanisms should be reviewed.
The right to communication implies a series of differentiated actions with respect to the right of access to information and statistics
systems, the monitoring of which for indigenous peoples should be explicitly integrated into the ECLAC Conference on Science,
Innovation and Information andCommunications Technologies. It is also beingmonitoredwithin the framework of theDeclaration on the
Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
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