Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 132

“Consider the special demographic and sociocultural dynamics of Afro-descendent populations in the designand implementation of public policies,
ensuring their full participation and the development of disaggregated statistics.”
Possible lines of action
1. Generate up-to-date knowledge on the demographic dynamics of the Afro-descendent population, taking into account social and
territorial diversity, with a gender and generational perspective; 2. Integrate the demographic situation of Afro-descendent persons in a
crosscutting manner into the design of policies; 3. Prioritize the allocation of resources in light of Afro-descendent demographic
dynamics; 4. Strengthen the institutions responsible for Afro-descendent affairs so as to contribute to the mainstreaming of population
issues in policies; 5. Strengthen national capacities (both of State agencies and of Afro-descendent organizations) in population analysis
and its inter-relations with development; 6. Establish participatory mechanisms for Afro-descendent populations in the production and
analysis of socio-demographic information, in particularwithin the national statistics system.
1. Policies explicitly include up-to-date knowledge of Afro-descendent population dynamics; 2. There is an institutional mechanism for
mainstreaming Afro-descendent matters in policies, consistent with the standards of international law, and guaranteeing participation by
Afro-descendent persons; 3. TheMontevideo Consensus on Population andDevelopment takes explicit account of the situation of Afro-
descendent persons, and combating racism and discrimination.
Tentative indicators
1. Percentage of the public budget earmarked for affirmative action policies for Afro-descendent persons, by sector; 2. Existence of a
policy for integratingAfro-descendent issues into development plans (if there is a national population policy, it should explicitly include
the situation of Afro-descendent persons); 3. Existence of mechanisms to guarantee full participation in this process for Afro-descendent
persons; 4. Existence of specialized diagnostic reviews on the demographic and socioeconomic situation of the Afro-descendent
Related instruments,
forums andmechanisms
There is a need to establish coordination with the specific mechanisms for follow-up to implementation of the Durban Programme of
Action (see PM92).
Thismeasure requires that the actions taken should be articulatedwith those defined inPM 4.
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