Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 131

“Respect and implement the provisions of theDurbanDeclarationandProgramme of Action adopted at theWorldConference against Racism, Racial Discrimination,
XenophobiaandRelated Intolerance, by adapting the legal frameworks and formulating the policies necessary for their implementation,
with the full participationof Afro-descendent persons.”
1. Thismeasure covers all the dimensions of political, civil, economic, social and cultural rights of persons ofAfricandescent, a diversity
of spheres that transcends their monitoring under themechanism of theMontevideo Consensus on Population andDevelopment. The
Durban Declaration and Programme of Action calls for concerted measures to combat racism in all its manifestations: these include
strengthening education, eliminating poverty, guaranteeing development, improving the available means and resources for victims of
racism, and fostering respect for human rights.
2. Some of the objectives contained in the Driven Programme of Action are addressed specifically in this chapter, and in a crosscutting
manner throughout this operating guide.
3. Themainmechanisms of follow-up on thesematterswithin theUnitedNations system are:
theCommittee on theElimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD),
theWorkingGroup of Experts onPeople ofAfricanDescent, and
the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.
“Address gender, racial, ethnic and intergenerational inequalities, bearing inmind theway these dimensions overlap in situations
of discrimination affectingwomen, especially youngAfro-descendent women.”
1. Thismeasure implies a broad range of actions. The race-specific inequalities that affect Afro-descendent persons overlapwith gender
and generational inequalities, and these are explicitly incorporated intoPMs 94, 95, 96 and98, as described below.
2. The remaining priority measures covered in this guide must also be viewed in light of the particular situation of Afro-descendent
persons. In particular, the overlapping of inequalities is explicitly included in the followingmeasures: PM 17 on data disaggregation
for adolescents and young people; PM 22 on eradicating the multiple forms of discrimination against older persons; and the priority
measures of chapter E on gender equality, in particular PM 50 on promoting and ensuring themainstreaming of the gender and racial
perspectives, PM 54 on gender equality in employment and the elimination of discrimination, and PMs 57 and 58, which call for
actions to eradicate all forms of discrimination and violence, combining the gender, generational and ethnic perspectives.
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