Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 133

“Ensure that Afro-descendent persons, in particular Afro-descendent girls, adolescents andwomen, can exercise the right tohealth, especially the right
to sexual healthand reproductive health, taking into account the specific socioterritorial and cultural features and the structural factors,
such as racism, that hinder the exercise of their rights.”
Possible lines of action
1. Prepare laws, policies and programmes of affirmative action for furthering the exercise of sexual and reproductive rights forAfro-descendent
menandwomen; 2.Createand strengthenmechanisms for enforceability andevaluate the implementationof publicpolicies andhealth standards
that take account of the particular situationofAfro-descendent persons; 3. Strengthen the generationof information andknowledge onproblems
that affectAfro-descendent persons’ health, inparticular their sexual and reproductive health, andupgrade the ability of researchers to apply the
rights, gender and generational perspectives; 4. Boost operational capacities for addressing the health of Afro-descendent persons, in particular
those relating to SRH; 5. Promote the empowerment of Afro-descendent women, who are central to addressing sexual and reproductive
health issues.
1. By 2030, endmaternal morbidity andmortality among Afro-descendent women from preventable causes, and ensure that the levels of
maternal mortality among these women do not exceed those for other women (adapted from SDGs, target 3.1); 2. By 2030, guarantee
universal access for Afro-descendent women to timely and high-quality sexual and reproductive health services, with an intercultural
perspective (adapted from SDGs, target 3.7); 3. By 2030, end preventable deaths of Afro-descendent newborns and under-five children,
and ensure that the levels of infant and child mortality do not exceed those for other boys and girls (adapted from SDGs, target 3.2);
4. Increased life expectancy at birth for Afro-descendants, eliminating the gap with the rest of the population; 5. Health information
systems are available for monitoring the right to health for Afro-descendent persons, and support disaggregation by sex, age group and
geographical area.
Tentative indicators
1. Maternal mortality rate for Afro-descendent women; 2. Infant and childmortality rate for Afro-descendent children; 3. Life expectancy
at birth and healthy life expectancy at birth for the Afro-descendent population; 4. Percentage of Afro-descendent women attended at
delivery by skilled personnel; 5. Satisfied demand of Afro-descendent persons for family planning services, by type of method (modern
and traditional); 6. Existence of morbidity and mortality profiles for Afro-descendent persons, disaggregated by sex and age group;
7. Existence of intercultural sexual and reproductive health services, including preventative measures and culturally relevant information,
in accordance with the needs of Afro-descendent men and women; 8. Existence of health information systems that that include the self-
identificationofAfro-descendents, with timely and quality data.
Related instruments,
forums andmechanisms
Specificmechanisms, at least to thosementioned inPM 92.
The follow-up to the SDGsmust pay particular attention to the situationofAfro-descendent persons, under goal 3.
This priority measure is complementary to the targets and indicators included in PM 26 on bringing health policies into line with
epidemiological profiles, and those included in chapter D, which must be viewed in light of the particular situation of Afro-descendent
women, in particular PMs 37, 40, 44 and45.
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