Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 134

“Promote the development of Afro-descendent populations by implementing public policies, establishing standards and creating institutions to guide and carry forward
affirmative action policies, plans and programmes at the sectoral level, whereby the principles of equality and non-discrimination can be incorporated into all levels
of government, with organized civil society participating throughout the process of design, implementationand evaluation of those instruments.”
Possible lines of action
1. Prepare laws, policies andprogrammes of affirmative action to further the exerciseof the rights ofAfro-descendent persons,with an ethno-
racial, gender and generational perspective; 2. Include the situation of Afro-descendants explicitly in sectoral policies, particularly those
directed towards ensuring the right to health care, employment and education; 3. Establish an institutional mechanism with specific
responsibility for Afro-descendent affairs or, if one already exists, strengthen it, so as to articulate and coordinate implementation of the
MontevideoConsensus on Population andDevelopment togetherwith that mechanism; 4. Createmechanisms to guarantee full and effective
participation by Afro-descendent organizations in development policies and affirmative action; 5. Generate up-to-date knowledge on
situations of discrimination and racism that affect Afro-descendent persons; 6. Prepare and implement communication programmes and
strategies to combat racism and ethno-racial discrimination; 7. Educate and train public officials, including judges and candidates for judicial
positions, inways andmeans to combat ethno-racial discrimination; 8. Establish accessiblemechanisms through the courts, theadministrative
authorities, national human rights institutions and/or publicdefenders’ offices tohandle complaints of racial discrimination.
1. Affirmative action policies are in place, with adequate financial resources, for the purpose of achieving equality and nondiscrimination;
2. The living conditions of Afro-descendent persons have been significantly improved, and their equality with respect to the rest of the
populationhave been reduced; 3. Racial discriminationhas been eliminated.
Tentative indicators
Multidimensional poverty index of Afro-descendent persons and gapwith respect to the rest of the population; 2. Percentage of the public
budget earmarked for affirmative action policies for Afro-descendants and percentage allocated to a governing institutional structure on Afro-
descendent affairs; 3. Percentage of Afro-descendent persons who report having suffered racial discrimination; 4. Percentage of the population
that considers that Afro-descendents are discriminated against as a group; 5. Existence of policies to combat racism and ethnic and racial
discrimination, designed with effective participation by the Afro-descendent population; 6. Inclusion of Afro-descendent persons in sectoral
policies, plans andprogrammes; 7.Existenceofmechanisms forAfro-descendent participation inpublicpolicydesign.
Related instruments,
forums andmechanisms
Specificmechanisms, at least thosementioned inPM 92.
At the regional level, some aspects are covered by the SantoDomingoConsensus, whichmakes explicit reference towomen, girls, young
women and older women of African descent in numerous articles covering various aspects of their rights and their development (articles
7, 30, 34, 35, 38, 40, 42, 62, 73, 74, 98 and 106).
Thismeasure involves a great number of fields of action, hence the importance ofmakingAfro-descendent persons visible throughout the
guide, in the lines of action, goals and disaggregated indicators, and of recognizing the racism and structural discrimination that these
persons suffer. In particular, it is complementary to PM 77 on development and well-being in all territories and to PM 81 on territorial
and urbanplanning.
“Ensure that policies and programmes are in place to raise the living standards of Afro-descendent women, by fully enforcing their rights,
in particular their sexual rights and reproductive rights.”
This prioritymeasure is addressed in PM 95 on health rights, including sexual and reproductive health rights, and in PM 96 on promoting
the development ofAfro-descendent persons.
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