Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 127

“Guarantee indigenous peoples’ right to communicationand information, ensuring that national statistics respect the principle of self-identification,
aswell as the generation of knowledgeand reliable and timely information on indigenous peoples throughparticipatory processes,
with reference to their requirements and international recommendations relating to these issues.”
Possible lines of action
1. Adapt national legislation for the inclusion of indigenous peoples in the entire national statistics system, including the institutional
arrangements needed to guarantee indigenous full and effective participation throughout the process of generating information; 2. Include
questions to identify indigenous peoples in statistical data sources, in a consistent and comparablemanner, respecting the principle of self-
identification and, to the extent possible, supplementing it with other variables such as language; 3. Enhance the integrity, quality and
timeliness of sociodemographic information on indigenous peoples. In the case of surveys, revise the sampling schemes; 4.Move forward
with the cultural adaptation of statistical instruments and procedures that determine each of the stages in the production of information;
5. Sponsor discussion sessions for defining a set of agreed well-being indicators that meet the requirements of indigenous peoples,
accompanied by the design of tools for collecting and producing that information; 6. Strengthen the technical capacities of indigenous
peoples to access andmake active use of the available information and to assess its impact on policies, and the capacities of State officials
to understand their current duties with respect to producing information and the importance of participation in cultural relevance for
improving its quality and validity; 7. Work jointly with indigenous peoples and statistics institutes to evaluate progress and obstacles in
thesematters, inorder todefine strategies consistent with the nature of each data source.
1. There are legal frameworks and institutionalized participatorymechanisms in place for producing information on indigenous peoples;
2. All data sources for the national statistics system have questions for identifying indigenous peoples, recorded fully andwith standards
of quality that allow disaggregation of the information on population and development; 3. Culturally relevant indicators are available,
consistent with the requirements of indigenous peoples, together with the tools for collecting and producing information; 4. The sectoral
information published by statistics offices is disaggregated by indigenous peoples, with a generational and gender focus, among others;
5. Indigenouswomen and peoples are guaranteed access to linguistically relevant information.
Tentative indicators
1. Percentage of relevant data sources that include indigenous identification, including censuses, surveys and administrative records in the
different sectors (target 100%); 2. Coverage and response rates for the variables on indigenous peoples, by data source; 3. Degree of
inclusion of indigenous peoples in the tabulation and analysis of public information; 4. Existence of mechanisms that guarantee full
participation by indigenous peoples in statistics production; 5. Number of indigenous experts (male and female) working on information
production and analysis in government offices; 6. Existence of culturally and linguistically relevant information systems; 7. Existence of
indigenous information systems validatedby the official system.
Related instruments,
forums andmechanisms
Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), Special Rapporteur, andExpertMechanism; SCA-ECLAC.
Outcome Document from the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, article 10: “
We commit ourselves to working with indigenous
peoples to disaggregate data, as appropriate, or conduct surveys and to utilizing holistic indicators of indigenous peoples’ well-being to
address the situation and needs of indigenous peoples and individuals, in particular older persons, women, youth, children and persons
with disabilities,
SDG target 17.18, “by 2020 [have available] high-quality, timely and reliable data disaggregated by... ethnicity”.
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