Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 105

“Incorporate principles of consistency and reciprocity indealingwith the various situations facedby emigrants from the countries in the region,
at all stages of themigrationprocess, whether at the intraregional level or outside the region.”
Possible lines of action
1. Adopt specific national legislation on the rights of emigrants, such as to guarantee their rights as citizens; 2. Prepare and implement
specific policies and programmes that take account of the needs of emigrants and facilitate their integration into the host country;
3. Include the return of emigrants (either permanent or temporary) as amatter of interest for public policies; 4. Address the needs of family
members ofmigrantswherever they need; 5. Facilitate remittance-sending by supportingmarket transparency.
1. Have in place legislation, institutions and policies geared explicitly to protecting the human rights of all emigrants; 2. Have in place
initiatives to care for returnees; 3. Have in place initiatives with common basic principles to guarantee emigrants services in general, and
consular services in particular; 4. Reduce the costs of sending remittances, in linewith specific country targets.
Tentative indicators
1. Annual number of initiatives (and relative share) aimed at extending the consular network of services for emigrants; 2. Number of
services provided to emigrants eachyear, by type of initiative; 3. Percentage of returneeswho access specific national initiatives, out of the
total of emigrants; 4. Cost of sending remittances (as a percentage).
Related instruments,
forums andmechanisms
This priority measure finds precedents in the plans and commitments of the Regional Conference onMigration and the South American
Conference on Migration. CELAC, in particular, and other initiatives (such as MERCOSUR and CAN) can incorporate these lines of
action. Themandates of theUnitedNations agencies and the IOM should also be considered.
This measure has to do with the governance of migration, understood as developing a government’s capacity to implement, monitor and
evaluate public policies in coordination with social stakeholders and civil society, on its management of migrations. The lines of action
and contents of this PM are in general associatedwithPM 67.
“Consistency” is understood tomean a harmonious relationship among the rules and standards that comprise migration governance. The
lack of consistency implies regulatory conflict and incompatibility of standards. “Reciprocity”means that countries accord each other the
same or equivalent treatment.
SDG target 10.c “By 2030, reduce to less than 3% the transaction costs of migrant remittances and eliminate remittance corridors with costs
higher than5%”,with theprovisos contained in the comments onPM68.
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