Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 99

“Implement, with the support of available technologies, multisectoral, comprehensive, integrated, coordinated, interdisciplinary and accessible services, programmes
and actions targetingwomen that are sustainable at all levels, include specializedand confidential care in cases of violence, have sufficient resources available
and that bring together sectors such as the police, the judiciary, medical and psychological services and evaluation, including sexual and reproductive
health services, aswell as opportunities for training and generating earnings, with a view to promotingwomen’s autonomy inall its forms.”
Priority measure 65 is fairly general in scope, embracing a variety of aspects relating to violence against women, healthcare, including
sexual and reproductive health, and training and income generation for women’s autonomy, matters that are consideredmore specifically
in other prioritymeasures of this guide.
Violence against women is a central theme of prioritymeasures 56, 57 and 58 and, in general, it has an important link to the agreements
under chapter D of the Santo Domingo Consensus on gender equality and the elimination of violence against women, the agreements
under chapter 4 of the Brasilia Consensus, on addressing all forms of violence against women, and agreements xxviii and xxix of the
QuitoConsensus, aswell as to SDG 5.2. There is also theConvention of Belém doPará to prevent, punish and eradicate violence against
women as amechanism for supporting follow-up.
Sexual and reproductive health, in turn, is the subject of a specific chapter of this guide (chapter D on universal access to sexual and
reproductive health services), while the topic of training and income generation for women appears again in PMs 54, 55 and 56 (which
focus on labour market aspects that have a significant impact onwomen’s economic autonomy) as well as in agreement 61 of the Santo
Domingo Consensus,
Prioritize also the design and implementation of public policies and programmes designed to reduce poverty
among women, on the basis of sustainable development, economic growth, technical and financial support for productive activities
launched bywomen living in poverty, training and skills-building for employment, access to decent work and optimum use of information
and communications technologies, from the perspective of equality
Thismeasure is complementary toPM 88 for the particular case of eliminating all forms of violence against indigenouswomen.
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