Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 91

“Enforce existingpolicies andadopt, on theonehand, preventativeandpunitivemeasures, andon theothermeasures for protectingand caring forwomen inorder to
eradicateall forms of violence, including forced sterilizationand stigmaagainstwomen inpublicandprivate spheres and especially thegender-motivated violentmurder
of girls andwomen, and ensure effectiveanduniversal access to fundamental services for all victims and survivors of gender-based violence,with special attention towomen
inhigh-risk situations, suchas olderwomen, pregnantwomen,womenwithdisabilities, culturallydiversegroups, sexworkers,women livingwithHIV/AIDS, lesbian,
bisexual and transgenderwomen, Afro-descendent, indigenous andmigrantwomen,women living inborder areas, asylum-seekers and victims of trafficking.”
Possible lines of action
1. Promote action across government sectors, with particular attention to the justice sector, and coordination among public and private
institutions for addressing all victims of violence; 2. Adopt new strategies to bring about the cultural and institutional changes needed to
combat the structural factors that perpetuate violence against women; 3. Encourage initiatives for economic empowerment in order to
reduce women’s vulnerability to violence; 4. Take specific measures in the various sectors (for example health) where violence against
women is generated and reproduced; 5. Integrate aspects relating to violence against women into national and regional statistics
programmes so as to have available data for taking timely decisions and for appreciating the many faces of this form of violence;
6. Promote the typificationof the crimes of femicide and feminicide.
1. Public policies for the elimination of violence against women are effectively budgeted and enforced; 2. Victims of gender-based violence
have effective access to justice; 3.Measures to eradicategender-basedviolence and to ensure access to comprehensive care services cover all
womenof all ages,without distinctionof anykind; 4.Reduction ingender-basedviolence.
Tentative indicators
1. Number and rate (per 100,000 inhabitants) of women 15 years and older murdered at the hands of their partner or former partner;
2. Number ofwomen filing complaints of violence, and numberwho gain effective access to justice; 3. Gender-based violence prevention
and care policies that have an earmarked budget; 4. Number of female victims of gender-based violence who have access to
comprehensive care services; 5. Number of policies that encompass special measures for at-riskwomen, such as older women, pregnant
women, womenwith disabilities, culturally diverse groups, sexworkers, women livingwithHIV/AIDS, lesbian, bisexual and transgender
women, Afro-descendent, indigenous andmigrant women, women living in border areas, asylum-seekers and victims of trafficking
Related instruments,
forums andmechanisms
Thismeasure is directly related to the Inter-AmericanConvention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence againstWomen
(ConventionofBelémdoPará) and to theConventionon theEliminationofAll FormsofDiscriminationagainstWomen.
Santo Domingo Consensus. In general, chapter D, “
Gender equality and the elimination of violence against women”,
and more
specifically agreement 80
, “Enforce national and local policies and adopt preventive, punitive, protection and care measures to
eliminate all forms of violence and stigma against women, girls, adolescent girls, young women, older women, indigenous and Afro-
descendent women, rural women, LGBTTI persons and women with disabilities, and include the effective use of information and
communications technologies with an intercultural approach in order to achieve greater inclusion and equality for all women
agreement 87, “
Guarantee effective access to justice and free, good-quality legal aid for women who are subjected to violence, and
provide training and public awareness sessions on gender issues to those authorized to dispense justice, as well as the police and other
security bodies
”; and agreement 88, “
Promote the reform of legal systems and the amendment of laws which cause exclusion and harm,
and ensure the removal of all systemic barriers to the effective delivery of justice
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