Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 82

“Take steps topromote and strengthen the preparation, implementation and accountability of gender-sensitive budgets, in order to achieve equal spending in the public
sector, the inclusion of the principles of gender equality in the different stages of planning, budgeting andmeeting the specific social needs of women andmen.”
Possible lines of action
1. Assess budgetary needs in the different spheres of government in order to fulfil the commitments givenwith respect to gender equality;
2. Include institutions that advocate public policies for gender equality in the process of formulating development plans and public
budgets; 3.Make it an aspect of budgetary accountability to fulfil commitmentswith respect to gender equality, including participation in
civil society organizations; 4. Foster instances for coordination between gender machineries and planning and budget departments;
5. Ensure, through legislation and other mechanisms, access to information and accountability regarding public budgets earmarked for
gender equality.
1. Government budgets incorporate the gender equality focus in the different sectors; 2. Government budgets have resources specifically
earmarked for gender equality; 3.Mechanisms for theempowerment ofwomenhave thenecessary funding toensure their financial autonomy.
Tentative indicators
1. Percentage of government budgets that incorporate the gender focus; 2. Percentage of government budgets with funds specifically
allocated to gender equality; 3. Percentage of government budgetswith funds specifically allocated towomen’s empowerment.
Related instruments,
forums andmechanisms
SantoDomingoConsensus, agreement 112, “
Ensure gendermainstreaming and a focus on rights in all plans, programmes, projects and
public policies, as well as the necessary coordination between State powers and social stakeholders to achieve gender equality, thus
enshrining this concept as a pillar of sustainable development
”, and agreement 113: “
Adopt budgetswith gender as a cross-cutting factor
in the allocation of public funds and ensure that sufficient, protected funding is provided in all policy areas to fulfil all the commitments
made by States to achieve the goals of equality and social and economic justice forwomen
SDG target 5.c, “
Adopt and strengthen sound policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of gender equality and the
empowerment of all women andgirls at all levels
PM 49 is closely linked with PM 47, as the promotion and strengthening of gender-sensitive budgeting is essential to ensure strong
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