Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 84

“Promote parity and othermechanisms to ensure access to power in electoral systems as a precondition for democracy and a target for eradicating
the structural exclusion of women in society, which affectsmainly those in vulnerable situations, by trainingwomen leaders.”
Possible lines of action
1. Identify the training needs of female leaders for moving forward with the gender equality agenda; 2. Develop training institutions for
female leaders consistentwith thoseneeds; 3. Promote thedevelopment of strategies to increasewomen’s leadership in thevarious spheres.
There are training institutions in place for female leaders as needed tomove forwardwith the gender equality agenda; 2. Standards are
in place to ensure gender parity andwomen’s access to power.
Tentative indicators
1. Number of institutions providing training for female leaders; 2. Optional protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
ofViolence againstWomen, signed; 3. Number of standards that ensure gender parity andwomen’s access topower.
Related instruments,
forums andmechanisms
SantoDomingoConsensus. In general chapter E, “Gender equality and the empowerment of women for political participation in decision-
making”, andmore specifically agreement 104, “
Strengthen electoral observation and monitoring mechanisms with a gender perspective
as instruments that ensure respect for women’s rights to political representation
”; and agreement 106, “
Use specific economic and
technical measures to strengthen regional gender machineries for political training and education in support of women’s leadership, and
promote the participationof the region’swomen in suchmechanisms, especially young, rural, indigenous andAfro-descendent women, and
LGBTTI persons.
Brasilia Consensus, agreement 3.h, “
Promote also the creation and strengthening of citizens’ mechanisms for oversight of electoral
processes and the establishment of institutional mechanisms to ensure compliance with legislation aimed at guaranteeing women’s
political participation
Quito Consensus, agreement vii,
“[P]romote regional mechanisms for providing women with political education and training for
leadership such as the recently created Caribbean Institute forWomen in Leadership
; and agreement viii,
“[D]evelop electoral policies
of a permanent character that will prompt political parties to incorporate women’s agendas in their diversity, the gender perspective in
their content, actions and statutes, and the egalitarian participation, empowerment and leadership of womenwith a view to consolidating
gender parity as a policy of State.
Conventionon theElimination ofAll Forms ofViolence againstWomen andSDGs: see PM 48.
Together with PMs 48 and 52, PM 51 constitutes a group of prioritymeasures intended to achieve equal participation for women in the
formulation and implementation of public policies and in high-level decision-making. This measure is also relatedwith PMs 53 and 54,
as transforming the sexual division of labour and redistribution of the unpaidworkload are a fundamental dimension of parity.
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