Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 92

BrasiliaConsensus. In general, chaper 4, “Address all forms of violence against women”, andmore specifically agreements 4.a,
preventative and punitive measures as well as measures for protecting and caring for women that further the eradication of all forms of
violence against women in public and private spheres, with special attention to Afro-descendent, indigenous, lesbian, transgender and
migrant women, and those living in rural, forest and border areas
”; and 4.b,
“[B]roaden and guarantee effective access to justice, and to
free legal assistance for women in violent situations, and provide training and awareness-raising, from a gender perspective, for staff
and officials responsible for administering justice
QuitoConsensus, agreement xxvii,
“[A]dopt measures that contribute to the elimination of all forms of violence against women and their
manifestations, especially homicide of women, femicide and feminicide, as well as to the elimination of unilateral measures that run
counter to international law and to theUnitedNations Charter, whose fundamental consequences are borne bywomen, girl children and
”; and agreement xxix,
“[G]uarantee access to justice for women, adolescents and girl children who have been victims of
gender violence, with no discrimination whatsoever, through the creation of legal and institutional conditions that guarantee
transparency, truth, justice and the consequent reparation of the violation of their rights, strengthening public policies for protection,
prevention and carewitha view to the eradication of all forms of violence.
SDG targets 5.1, “
End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere
”, and 5.2, “
Eliminate all forms of violence
against all women and girls inpublic and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation
Prioritymeasures 57 and 58 are aimed, in general, at eliminating the various forms of violence and discrimination against women. PM 57
calls in particular for adopting preventive measures andmeasures to ensure effective access to support services for victims of violence,
with special attention to those in situations of greatest vulnerability.
Thismeasuremust recognize the particular situation of indigenous andAfro-descendent women andpersons, and in thisway complement
PM 89 on eradicating violence against indigenous women and PM 93 which refers to the overlapping of inequalities in situations of
racism anddiscrimination.
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