Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 101

“Ensure that international migration issues, includingmigration regularizationpolicies are fully incorporated intoglobal, regional and national
post-2015 development agendas and strategies.”
Thismeasure is very broad in scope. Its implicit purpose is to address, in the context of development agendas, themultiple dimensions of
contemporary migration in a manner consistent with respect for the human rights of migrants, regardless of their migration status.
It focuses in particular on the post-2015 development agenda, and in this sense follow-up would be associated with SDG target 10.7,
“Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration andmobility of people, including through implementation of plans and well-
managedmigration policies”. TheUnitedNations Statistics Division proposes two indicators in this area: Proposed Indicator 1. Index on
HumanMobility Governance, measuring key features of good-governance of migration, and Proposed Indicator 2. Number of migrants
killed, injured or victims of crimewhile attempting to crossmaritime, land, air borders.
There is also a need to consider and formulate policies related to migration and environmental impacts, particularly with reference to
adaptationplans and riskmanagement. The inclusion ofmigration issues in local development plansmay be a special consideration.
In addition, as the measure makes a special point of regularizing migration, all the international and Inter-American human rights
instruments (and the reports of their treaty bodies) can substitute as mechanisms, in addition to the United Nations Convention against
Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols thereto. The mandates of the United Nations agencies and the action of the Global
Migration Group are part of follow-up to this measure. In particular, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), with its
mandate, assistance and programmes, represents an essential point of reference tobe taken into account.
The action plans and commitments from the Regional Conference onMigration and the South American Conference onMigration also
provide backing, in particular by including countries that have not ratified the Migrant Workers Convention (MWC). CELAC is one
appropriate forum for follow-up, as are potentially other multilateral cooperation forums (Summit of the Americas, UNASUR,
MERCOSUR, theAndeanCommunity andSICA, among others).WithinMERCOSUR, the residency agreement, which has been ratified
by a majority of South American countries, provides for regularization of citizens of the subregion on the basis of common regional
criteria, and treats the regularization ofmigrants’ status as central tomigrationpolicy under a perspective of regional integration.
Some of the premises of this and other measures are: (a) the need for countries to have agreements that facilitatemigration so that it can
be conducted through regular channels; (b) the need to adopt strategies to improve the sources of information on migration and make
them readily accessible; and (c) the need for starting-point indicators.
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