Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 111

“Developmore closely coordinated, integratedand cohesive territories by designing and executing territorial andurbanmanagement plans, policies
and instruments, administered ina participatorymanner and based on apeople-centred approachwitha gender and human rights perspective
and a vision of sustainability and environmental riskmanagement.”
This priority measure addresses both territorial issues and population concerns, because it considers the gender and human rights
perspectives. It has two aspects: (a) to prepare and execute plans, policies and instruments for territorial and urbanmanagement in order
to achieve more closely coordinated, integrated and cohesive territories, and (b) to integrate the perspective of human rights, gender,
sustainability and participation into all territorial plans, policies and programmes. A large range of actions could contribute to the
implementation of this priority measure, and it is covered by the instruments of several international and intergovernmental bodies.
Habitat III (the United Nations Conference onHousing and Sustainable UrbanDevelopment) provides follow-up in its agenda with the
following measures: (a) promote social integration and support disadvantaged groups; (b) promote gender equality and human
settlements development; and (c) prevent disasters and rebuild settlements. Each of these measures identifies one or two monitoring
The 2013 Santiago Declaration of MINURVI on human settlements addresses this measure in agreements 5 and 7: (5) “To foster the
development of urban policies that aim at integrating the population of informal settlements, giving access to serviced lots with urban
infrastructure, community facilities and environmental sanitation, and promoting the strengthening of their human and social capital”;
(7) “To develop strategies for the prevention of risks and the management of emergencies in human settlements, [caused by] natural
disasters, and to develop building techniques in order to reduce the risks through a variety of actions that include the analysis of potential
disasters, the vulnerabilities, the adoption of appropriate standards of construction designs, technologies and building regulations, both in
mitigation and in adaptation.”As to the sustainable development goals, goal 11 calls upon States to “make cities and human settlements
inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”, and specifies in particular (target 11.1), “by 2030, ensure access for all to adequate, safe and
affordable housing and basic services, and upgrade slums.” It is noteworthy that several issues covered in this priority measure appear
again inother PMs discussed in this chapter, togetherwith their proposed lines of action and goals.
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