Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 11

The tentative indicators may be drawn from various sources, whether national (for example,
censuses, surveys, administrative records and national reports presented to variousmultilateral bodies) or
international, originating with specialized agencies and multilateral organizations (including statistics,
standardized national reports, and reports of special rapporteurs).
Lastly, as noted earlier, the indicators contained in the operational guide need to be revised,
specified further and aligned with the indicators that emerge from the process related to the sustainable
development goals and the follow-up to the Programme of Action of the International Conference on
Population andDevelopment beyond 2014. This is noted in agreement 13 adopted at the secondmeeting
of the Presiding Officers, which recommends that the Regional Conference create an ad hoc working
group for that purpose at its second session.
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