Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 21

“Pursue sustainable development as ameans of securing nowand in the future humanwell-being for all peoples onan equitable basis, and ensuring
that the linkages betweenpopulation, resources, the environment and development are fully recognized, appropriately administered
andmaintained in a harmonious anddynamic balancewith a thriving biodiversity and healthy ecosystems.”
Thismeasure combines two objectives of the SDGs intended to achieve sustainable development with a particular focus on ecosystems:
Goal 14, “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”, and Goal 15, “Protect,
restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse
land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.” It is suggested that PM 5 should be monitored against Goals 14 and 15 of the SDGs.
Population is one of themost important factors for environmental change. Consequently, in order to achieve sustainable development it is
essential to take into account the transformations that are produced through demographic dynamics, a point that links this measure
directly to PM 4. In the content of PMs 5 and 6, it is important to generate linkages between he implementation of the Montevideo
Consensus and the implementation of the agenda of theUnitedNationsConference onSustainableDevelopment (Rio+20).
“Guarantee sustainable production and consumption patterns and avoid exacerbating the undesirable climate change
phenomena brought about by human activity.”
PM 6, like PM 5, is aligned with the specific objective of SDG 12, “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”. It is
suggested that measure 6 should be monitored against SDG 12. This measure is linked in a general way with chapter G on territorial
inequality, spatialmobility and vulnerability, and in particularwithPM 83, “Promote inclusive development of natural resources, avoiding
the social and environmental damage that thismay cause.”
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