Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 23

sexual and reproductive health including contraceptive methods and the exercise of sexual and
reproductive rights (12), preventing pregnant adolescents from dropping out of school, and preventing
pregnancy among adolescents and eliminating unsafe abortion (14), and helping young women avoid
subsequent pregnancies (15). Among the other priority measures there is one that seeks to guarantee
youth participation in decisions and policies, another on investment in youth, with the emphasis on
education (9), a third on strengthening youth employment and promoting decent work (10), a fourth on
preventing violence, promoting harmonious coexistence and guaranteeing access to justice (16), and a
final one on data availability and quality (17).
Themeasures in this chapter are intimately linkedwith those of chapter D on universal access to
sexual and reproductive health services. In fact, some of the lines of action, targets and indicators for the
prioritymeasures of chapter B could correspond, at least in part, to the equivalent age cohorts in chapter
D. Consequently, it is reasonable to apply principles of economy and complementarity in this case and to
workwith common lines of action, goals and indicators, with the age specification indicated above, where
appropriate, aswill be explained in the “comments” line of the tables.
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