Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 30

“Introduce or strengthen policies and programmes to prevent pregnant adolescents and youngmothers from dropping out of school.”
Possible lines of action
1. The measures contained in PM 11 and 12, intended to avoid all adolescent pregnancies, wanted or not; 2. Provide comprehensive
oversight and support systems for adolescent mothers, in view of their greater risk and the possible social and health complications of
adolescent pregnancy, and include in these systems real incentives for remaining in school; 3. Eliminate discriminatory provisions and
practices that lead to the expulsion of pregnant adolescents and youngmothers from the education system ormake it difficult for them to
remain; 4. Implement programmes for reconcilingmaternity with school attendance, such as flexible hours, special timetables, day care
services and support for care and child raising (conditional upon remaining in school).
1. Have in place an institutional scheme that encourages pregnant adolescents and young mothers to remain in school; 2. Eradicate the
legal and institutional barriers that encourage or cause pregnant adolescents and young mothers to drop out of school; 3. Increase the
number of schools that have an institutional scheme to promote and facilitate school retention for pregnant adolescents and young
mothers; 4. Increase the proportion of pregnant adolescents andyoungmotherswho remain in the education system.
Tentative indicators
1. Number of laws, policies and rules that discriminate against pregnant adolescents or young mothers; 2. Number of rules that benefit
the inclusion of pregnant schoolgirls and schoolgirl mothers; 3. Percentage of schools that have special programmes for reconciling
maternitywith school attendance; 4. Percentage of pregnant adolescents andyoungmotherswho have access to the education they need.
Related instruments,
forums andmechanisms
SDG, target 8.6
Alternatively, indicator 1 couldbe establishment-based: “Number of educational establishmentswith anti-discrimination rules”.
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