Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 32

“Design intersectoral strategies to help youngwomen avoid subsequent pregnancies, includingantenatal, childbirth and postpartum care,
access to contraceptivemethods, protection, support and justice.”
Possible lines of action
1. The measures contained in PMs 11 and 12 relating to comprehensive sexuality education and access to SRH for adolescents;
2. Implement intersectoral programmes (health, education, social protection, justice) for counselling and support of pregnant adolescents
and young mothers; 3. Promote programmes for comprehensive monitoring of adolescent mothers, with emphasis on preventing
subsequent pregnancy and providing access to contraception.
1. Effective and coordinated implementation of intersectoral strategies to help girls avoid subsequent pregnancies during adolescence;
2. Increased access for adolescent mothers to comprehensive care, support, counselling and contraceptive services to prevent subsequent
pregnancies during adolescence; 3. Fewer subsequent pregnancies in adolescence.
Tentative indicators
1. Existence of a programme for comprehensivemonitoring of adolescent mothers, with emphasis on preventing subsequent pregnancies
and providing access to contraception; 2. Percentage of adolescent mothers receiving post-partum care who have been offered and
providedwith contraception inorder to avoid another pregnancy; 3. Percentage of adolescentmotherswith twoormore children.
Related instruments,
forums andmechanisms
SDG3 target 3.7 and target 5.6 (alreadymentioned).
Closely linked to other Prioritymeasures (in particular 11, 12 and 14).
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