Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 33

“Guarantee for boys, girls, adolescents and young people the opportunities and the basis for harmonious coexistence and a life free from violence, through intersectoral
strategies to address the factors that disrupt harmony in the community and foment violence, toprovide education from early childhood that promotes tolerance,
an appreciation for diversity, mutual respect and respect for human rights, conflict resolutionand peace, and to ensure protection, timely access
to justice and compensation for victims.”
Possible lines of action
1. Design and implement intersectoral strategies against violence of all types, in particular against children, adolescents and young
people; 2. Implement Comprehensive Education against Violence; 3. Develop courses on harmonious coexistence, good treatment and
gender equity in the schools; 4. Establish rules for peaceful coexistence within schools, as well as plans for cordial treatment between
management, teaching staff and students; 5. Promote programmes to prevent juvenile violence and gender-based violence; 6. Institute
programmes of psychosocial and judicial support for children, adolescents and young people who have suffered violence; 7. Design and
implement strategies for communication and social mobilization against violence and in favour of peaceful settlement of disputes;
8. Design and implement policies for the economic and social inclusion of youth, with a particular emphasis on young people at risk and
in vulnerable situations; 9. Implement, with the support of parents and community leaders, extracurricular programmes for the use of free
time; 10. Strengthen the institutions of the justice system so as to reduce impunity; 11. Promote family assistance and support for
children, adolescents andyoung people, including the involvement of fathers in child-rearing.
1. To have in place intersectoral legislation, strategies, policies and programmes to prevent violence and foster healthy coexistence among
children, adolescents and youth; 2. Have in place health services prepared to detect sexual violence and treat it comprehensively; 3. Have in
place a comprehensive systemof education against violence, includinggender-based violence and sexual abuse; 4. Prevent and stopviolence
against children, adolescents andyoungpeople; 5. Prevent violence committedby children, adolescents andyoungpeople.
Tentative indicators
1. Existence of intersectoral strategies to eradicate violence, with a focus on children, adolescents and young people; 2. Index of relative
frequency of violence against children, adolescents and young people; 3. Index of relative frequency of violence perpetrated by children,
adolescents andyoungpeople.
Related instruments,
forums andmechanisms
SDG, target 16.2: “End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence and torture against children”; Convention on the Rights
of theChild, articles 3 and 8 inter alia; Ibero-AmericanConvention on theRights of Youth, articles 4 and 11. Also relevant is the follow-
upmechanism of theConventionon theElimination ofAll Forms ofViolence againstWomen as it relates to girls, adolescents andyoung
women. The same holds for the Inter-AmericanConvention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence againstWomen
(ConventionofBelém doPará 1994) and its follow-upmechanism,MESECVI
Thegoals and indicatorsmust take into account theparticular situationof indigenous andAfro-descendent boys, girls, adolescents andyoung
people, pursuant toPM 89 (combating violence, in the chapter on indigenous peoples) and PM 93 (overlapping dimensions of racial, gender
and generational inequalities, in the chapter onAfro-descendent persons). Special attentionmust also be paid to boys, girls, adolescents and
young people with some type of disability. The relative frequency indices may be recorded as occurrences during a reference period or as
cumulative percentages. Precise definitions of what constitutes violence are required (possibly including distinctions between degrees of
violence). In this case, self-declaration in surveys is a preferable as a source to police reports or legal records. Indicators should be
disaggregated at least by sex, five-year agegroups, socioeconomic condition, areaof residence and ethnicity.
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