Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 16

With respect to the remaining prioritymeasures contained in chapter J, the adoption of a regional
agenda on population anddevelopment (prioritymeasure 100) is expected, pursuant to the decisions taken
at the session of the Presiding Officers, in fulfilment of the Montevideo Consensus itself, and it can be
operationalized by means of this guide. Priority measure 108 refers to the next meeting of the SCA,
scheduled for November 2015, which is to consider a proposal for harmonizing health indicators, now
being prepared by the responsibleworking group.
Financial resources for implementing theMontevideoConsensus onPopulationandDevelopment
Lastly, full implementation of theMontevideo Consensus on Population andDevelopment in the
context of ICPD beyond 2014, as expressed in priority measure 107, will require a firm and ongoing
commitment on the part of countries and international cooperation to assure and mobilize the necessary
financial resources. The guide identifies, under the various topics, the related international organizations
that can support the different lines of action. Priority measure 46 offers greater detail on the bodies that
can be used to raise funding for primary healthcare, and which can serve as an example for other topics.
The SDGs and the guidelines for development financing that are part of the post-2015 development
strategies offer important opportunities for fund-raising.
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