Operational guide for implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development - page 15

society with the knowledge it needs to participate in decision-making and in monitoring and evaluating
policies in these areas.
A number of efforts have recently been made to address these needs, including the re-launch of
the Intensive Regional Course on Demographic Analysis offered by CELADE-Population Division of
ECLAC. As well, several countries in the region have training programmes in the area of population and
development, and some of them are of long standing and high quality. Yet there is still nomechanism to
assure the funding needed to make such programmes permanent and sustainable. Strategies are also
needed to ensure the complementarity of measures in ways that will take best advantage of available
resources, develop specific courses for existing needs, andmakemaximum use of technological advances
and new approaches to training.
As a general line of action, this guide proposes the need to formulate anddevelop a human resource
training strategy inpopulation anddevelopment issues, covering the following elements amongothers:
Preparation of an inventory of the existing offer and directories of trained resources. ALAP
and the national population associations, aswell asCELADE, can support these activities and
they have inventories that can be updated.
Integration and harmonization for articulating and complementing the various available
programmes and resources, and for filling the persistent gaps relating to certain topics,
territorial levels andmodalities of supply.
New approaches and nontraditional methods of training in population issues, taking
advantage of available technological advances.
Monitoringand accountability
The issue of monitoring and accountability for implementation of the Montevideo Consensus is
covered in priority measures 101 and 107, the latter of which refers to the participation of civil society
and social movements. Prioritymeasure 101 refers to the commitment to create a regional monitoring and
accountability mechanism for following up theMontevideo Consensus on Population and Development.
In order to meet this commitment, States members must agree upon an accountability procedure and set
deadlines for it, whichwill involve designing a standardized tool basedon the operational guide, including a
list of regionally comparable indicators.
Priority measure 105 refers to the need to ensure sufficient financial resources for implementing
the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development and putting in place clear and effective
transparency and accountability mechanisms. The priority measures herein identify various mechanisms,
instruments and regional and international bodies that can support themonitoring of the variousmeasures
in theMontevideoConsensus, inways that will make use of available resources and avoid duplication of
efforts. At the same time, the drafters of the guidemade a special effort to specify possible lines of action,
targets and tentative indicators for the different priority measures, to serve as the basis for oversight and
accountability in each country. In this regard, the mobilization of necessary financial resources, both at
the national level and from international cooperation sources, is an unavoidable line of action for
implementing theMontevideo Consensus on Population andDevelopment. Efforts must bemade to shift
parameters and adopt methodologies other than the existing income-based country classification criteria,
in order to reflect more accurately and fairly each country’s development level, national complexities and
poverty in itsmultiple dimensions.
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